International Conference on
Healthcare in a Globalizing World

(Enriching Healthcare Delivery through an Interdisciplinary Approach)


May 4, 5 & 6, 2017

Organized by

Faculty of Health & Biomedical Sciences (FoHBS)

Hence in addition to the main venue for each track, satellite venues have been created. These will have video conferencing facilities which will allow a two-way communication. Please note that seating in main venue will be strictly on ‘first come first serve’ basis. Late comers will be accommodated in the satellite venue. Cooperation requested.

healthcare conferences

SYMHEALTH 2017 Tracks

Global Health Conference

Track I: Healthcare Economics & Financing

Overview- Healthcare Economics & Financing, Healthcare Financing: Global and National Perspectives, From MDGs to SDGs and financing of SDGs, Financial Regulations, Drug Pricing Policy and access to medicines, Government Policies and Interventions, Role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) towards improving healthcare delivery.

Track II: Healthcare Communications

Health care advocacy, Researches in Healthcare communication, Media Coverage of Food Safety and Nutrition Related Issues, Reputation Management in Digital Era: A Healthcare Perspective, From Information to Transformation – The Power of Mediated Health Communication.

Track III: Healthcare Laws

Overview- Healthcare Laws, Mental Health: Snippets of the film ‘Astu’, Mental health and Global Advocacy Perspectives, Comparative Healthcare Law, Transitional healthcare In India, Global Legal Dimensions of Healthcare, Patient safety: Medico legal aspects, Healthcare as a Human Right, Legal Medicine Clinic.

Track IV: Healthcare: Engineering Design & Geospatial Applications

Contemporary Healthcare Systems, Smart Hospitals, Human-centric design in solving healthcare challenges, Health GIS, Disease Risk Mapping.

Track V: Healthcare IT

Overview- Healthcare IT, IT as enabler for patient care & Safety, HIPAA/ Health insurance and IT, Data Analytics in Healthcare, Use of Paper Tracer Software at Symbiosis: A case study .

Track VI: Healthcare: International Relations

Overview- Healthcare: International Relations, WTO: What Healthcare Implications for India, Wellness Tourism, Role of UNICEF in promoting International Relations, Role of Armed Forces Medical Teams in fostering international relations, Healthcare Diplomacy

Track VII: Healthcare: Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Overview- Healthcare: Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Innovations in healthcare, Innovations in medical devices, Innovations in digital health, Innovations in medical learning, Innovations in India: The BIRAC model

Track VIII: Healthcare: Integrative Approach in Indian Setup

Overview- Healthcare: Integrative approach in Indian setup, Integrative Approach to Healthcare, Role of primary care physicians, NGOs & role of professional body, Role of Nurses in providing in Integrative Healthcare, Cross sectoral linkages for healthcare delivery

Each Session of 150 minutes will consist of:

  • Introduction by Anchor for each track,regarding overview of the track,profile of speakers and overall flow:  10 minutes
  • Chairperson's opening remarks sharing his experience and expertise relevant to the track: 15 minutes
  • Sub points under each track: 100 minutes
  • Q&A session 15 minutes
  • Session wrap up  10 minutes