International Conference on
Healthcare in a Globalizing World

(Enriching Healthcare Delivery through an Interdisciplinary Approach)


May 4, 5 & 6, 2017

Organized by

Faculty of Health & Biomedical Sciences (FoHBS)

Sponsorship Opportunities

SYMHEALTH 2017 aims at ‘Enriching Healthcare Delivery through an Interdisciplinary Approach’. It will explore the advances in different disciplines and find innovative ways of applying them for improving the availability, accessibility, and affordability of healthcare. The conference will bring together healthcare leaders & decision makers.

It would be a great opportunity for exhibiting your company, your products at SYMHEALTH 2017.

SYMHEALTH 2017 promises to be “must attend” event, where your organization needs not only to be represented but also show cased!

Depending on your needs and wishes, there are different sponsorship packages available. Benefits range from 15 minutes speaking slots, exhibition booths and many more.

  • Display of Company name & logo as “Elite Sponsor” at Conference venue and on Website, Souvenir, print and visual Media Advertisements, etc.

  • Double spread advertisement in ‘Souvenir’ distributed amongst 1000 delegates.

  • An exclusive 18 sq.m (6m x 3m) Pavilion at the exhibition with expected footfalls of about 1000 visitors from the Health care and related sectors.

  • 5 complimentary delegate passes for all two days of convention

  • Corporate Literature (1 CD and 8-10 pages Brochure) will be included in Delegate Kit.

  • Presentation slot: 10 mins

  • Display of Company name and logo as “Gold Sponsor” at Conference venue and on Website, Souvenir, print and visual Media Advertisements, etc.

  • Single spread advertisement in ‘Souvenir’ distributed amongst 1000 delegates.

  • An exclusive 9 sq.m (3m x 3m) Pavilion at the exhibition with expected footfalls of about 1000 visitors from the Health care and related sectors.

  • 5 Complimentary Delegate Passes for whole convention

  • Corporate Literature (1 CD and 8-10 pages Brochure) will be included in Delegate Kit.

  • Session of 15 minutes on stage for promoting company

  • An exclusive 9 sq.m (3m x 3m) Pavilion at the exhibition with expected footfalls of about 1000 visitors from the Health care and related sectors.

  • Corporate Literature (1CD and 8-10 Pages Brochure) to be included in Delegate Kit.

  • 3 complimentary Delegates Passes for the Networking Dinner.

  • Display of Company name and logo as “Kit/ Souvenir Sponsor” at Conference venue and on Website, Souvenir, print and visual Media Advertisements, etc.

  • Exclusive Company Logo for conference kit sponsor on the Delegate Kit distributed amongst 1000 delegates

  • Full- page advertisement in ‘Souvenir’ distributed amongst more than 1000 delegates.

  • 2 Complimentary Invitations to the International Conference.

  • Corporate Brochure (1 CD and 8-10 pages Brochure) to be included in the Delegate Kit.

  • Display of Company name and logo as “Lunch/ Dinner Sponsor/ Networking Dinner” at Conference venue and on Website, Souvenir, print and visual Media Advertisements, etc.

  • A4 size full page coloured advertisement in ‘Souvenir’ distributed amongst more than 1000 delegates.

  • 2 Corporate Invitations to attend the International Conference & Networking Dinner.

  • Corporate Brochure distributed at the Conference.

  • An exclusive 9 sq.m (3m x 3m) Pavilion at the exhibition with expected footfalls of about 1000 visitors from the Health care and related sectors.

  • Display of Company name and logo as “Badge Sponsor” on Website, Souvenir & exclusively on the Badge of delegates.
  • 1 Complimentary Invitation to the International Conference.

An exclusive 9 sq.m. (3m x 3m) Pavilion at the exhibition.

One Table Space

Page Specification

Amt (INR)

Front Page Inner Side - Coloured


Back Page Outer Side – Coloured


Back Page Inner Side - Coloured


Full Page - Coloured


Half Page – Coloured


Full Page – Black & White


Half Page – Black & White


Quarter Page – Black & White


2 inch strip – Black & White


For additional information on the sponsorship opportunities please contact:

Dr. Kalyani Ashtikar

Head Sponsorship
Phone: +91-8888892258/ +9120-25655023
                      10 am to 6 pm (IST)

Profile of Attending Delegates

  • Industry professionals

  • Specialists, General practitioners & Doctors from allied sciences

  • Healthcare experts

  • Insurance specialists

  • IT professionals

  • Pharma representatives

  • Clinical research professionals

  • Hospital administrators

  • Medical superintendents

  • Economists

  • Medico legal consultants

  • Lawyers

  • NGOs

  • Management gurus & Students