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Faculty of Computer Studies(FOCS)

International Health Conference

Guidelines for the Submission of Full Papers:

Poster Template SYMHEALTH-2017

Poster presentation guidelines

Download guidelines for full paper



  1. Deadline for the submission of full-length paper is 20th March 2017. The mentioned deadline will not be extended in any circumstances.

  2. Last date for submission of revised papers will be 30 th April 2017.

  3. Submission of full manuscript (in MS Word) by the corresponding author(s) should only be sent on the following email id ( Papers sent on any other email id or via any other mode will not be accepted. Authors must submit Form A and Form B along with the full papers.

  4. Every contributor will receive an acknowledgement of their submission.

  5. Before submission, the authors should ensure that “Similarity Index (SI)” of their full paper/manuscript is ≤ 15%. In case of SI >15%, the manuscript will be rejected out rightly. Please refer to review guidelines on this link (

  6. All the received full-length papers will be subjected to double blind review process by International Scientific Committee (IRC).

  7. Referees' decision will be final regarding acceptance / rejection of the paper

  8. All the selected papers after recommendation will be published in reputed Scopus indexed journals having ISSN and Book having ISBN.

  9. Please follow the specific guidelines strictly as given in Table 1 while preparing your final paper/manuscript. Non-adherence to the guidelines will not be accepted and the manuscript will be out rightly rejected.

  10. In case of any clarifications or queries, the authors should contact on the following email id: or on mobile (+91-9970225309).

Table 1: Guidelines for preparing final manuscript/full paper

Document preparation

MS Word

Word length

3000 to 6000 words (inclusive of tables and graphs) OR Minimum 5 pages to maximum 10 pages (single line spacing)


Times New Roman

Font size

12 point


A4 size (Width 8.27” Height 11.69”)


Left: 1.5” Right: 1” Top: 1” Bottom: 1”


New paragraph should not be indented

Line spacing


Page numbers

All pages should be numbered serially

Title of paper

The title of the paper should be in ‘Sentence case’, font size 14 point, bold and centered at the top of the first page.

Authors and affiliations

Authors and affiliations should be followed after the title of paper. The author(s) name should be of font size 12 point and bold. Corresponding author should be marked with asterisk (*). Affiliation(s) of the author(s) along with their full address(es) of organization(s) followed with phone and email should be of font size 10 point, centered and single lined- spaced.
If there are two or more authors for the same paper but are from different organizations then in this case the authors name and address should be superscripted by numerically 1, 2, etc.

Abstract and keywords

Abstract not more than 200 words. The abstract should be followed by 4- 5 keywords arranged in alphabetical order. Each keyword should be separated by a comma.


First-level headings should be left aligned, bold-faced and in “Capital Letters”. The font size should be 12 point. Second-level headings should be left aligned, bold-faced and in “Sentence case”. The fond size should be 12 point. Third-level headings should be left aligned, bold-faced and in “Italics”. The font size should be 12 pt. font


The body of the paper should follow the abstract. The body of the text should be divided into headings like Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (if any) and References or any other suitable headings as per the content blend. The body text should be single lined spaced and justified.


All equations should appear on the separate lines, left aligned and numbered consecutively. Numbers of the equations should be mentioned in the parentheses and be right aligned.

Appendices, if any

Appendices should immediately follow the body of the paper and precede the references.


References in the text matter should be quoted as per the following: In one author: (Granato, 1995)
If two authors: (Brown and Warner, 1985)
If three or more authors: (Moeller et al., 2005)
If two or more references are to be quoted for a certain concept or text line: (Brown and Warner, 1985; Granato, 1995; Moeller et al., 2005)
Details of the references quoted in the text should appear at the end of the paper in alphabetical order and be written in APA style.
For website references, if any, it is mandatory to provide “Accessed on”

Foot notes

Footnotes strictly not allowed anywhere in the text. Endnotes, if any, should be placed at the end after references.

Exhibits/Tables and Figures/Graphs

Exhibits/tables must be typed using MS Word table format. All graphs should be prepared in MS Excel and then imported to MS Word. Insert the tables and figures as close as possible to the citations within the context. Headings should be aligned left, bold-faced and in sentence case above the exhibit. Size of the headings for each exhibit should be 11 point font.

Additional information

It is responsibility of the author(s) to check grammar, spellings, punctuation marks, etc. thoroughly before submission of the paper.


It is mandatory for authors to provide a brief “Acknowledgements” section which will appear after ‘body text’ of the manuscript but before the ‘References’ section. In this section, the authors should clearly mention the funding agency involved, collaboration, fellowship, etc.

Awards will be given to best oral and poster presentations.

Timelines for Paper Submission

Aug 25, 2016

Call for abstracts open

Dec 15, 2016
Dec 31, 2016

Last date extended for submission of abstracts

Jan 10, 2017

Notification of abstract acceptance / rejection and invitation to submit full length papers

March 20, 2017

Last date for submission of full length papers

April 20, 2017

Notification of full length papers acceptance / revisions / rejection to authors

April  30, 2017

Last date for submission of revised full length papers

Dates are tentative and subject to change